For the first time the figure of 600 players is exceeded, bringing together athletes from 8 different countries and 14 Barça Academy and Camps
The ex-player of the first FC Barcelona team, Juliano Belletti, will be present during the celebration of the tournament
The polo fields of Los Establos at Cap Cana in the Dominican Republic will become for the third consecutive year an ideal setting for the dispute of a new Barça Academy Las Americas Cup, the tournament that brings together players from soccer schools that the FC Barcelona has spread throughout the American continent. The competition will be held from December 14th to the 16th and will feature Barça Legend Juliano Belletti. As is traditional, three teams from Barça Escola will also come from Barcelona to play in this competition.
The third edition of the tournament, which will be the largest in history with over 600 players between 6 and 18 years of age, will have as main novelty the incorporation of three new categories, Initiation, Cadet and Youth, which it will involve the meeting in the Dominican Republic of a total of 54 teams; 44 of them will compete in soccer 7 and 10, more will do so in soccer 11. In addition, for the first time the competition will have the support of a main sponsor, the Scotiabank.
On this occasion there will be representation of eight different countries, since the tournament will have the participation of teams from Canada, the United States (San Diego, Chicago, Columbus, the Barça Academy PRO New York and the Barça Academy West Coast Camps), Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico (Puebla), Colombia (Bogotá, Cali, Medellín), Dominican Republic and Barcelona.
All of them are divided into the categories of soccer 7 of Initiation (those born in 2012-2011), with 5 participating teams; Training (those born 2010-2009), with 9 teams; Precompetition (born in 2008-2007), with 17 teams; Competition (born in 2006-2005), with 13 teams; and in soccer 11 the Cadete category (born in 2004-2003), with 5 participating teams; and Juvenile (2002-2001-2000), where 5 other teams will play, including the locals of Punta Cana FC and Cibao FC.
In addition to the competition, the young athletes who will take part in the Barça Academy Las Americas Cup, will be able to enjoy different parallel actions organized for them within the facilities of Los Establos, such as Pro Evolution Soccer 19, the Gatorade Bottle Challenge, the Gatorade Soccer Ping pong and target shooting, in addition to other actions promoted by Nike and Scotiabank.