Captains meeting marks the start of the White Marlin Cap Cana 2022
From the early hours of this Thursday morning, the boat captains participated in the traditional meeting to receive guidance on the regulations of the White Marlin Fishing Tournament 2022. Under the direction of Salvador Egea and within the framework celebration of the twentieth anniversary of Cap Cana.
34 boats with almost one hundred and fifty participating fishers, will be representing; Puerto Rico, Venezuela, the United States, Italy, and the Dominican Republic. The start of the tournament was marked with the meeting of captains and experts. During these three days tournament, they will have the opportunity to release as many blue marlins and sailfish as they can, to win the challenging tournament.
The Captaincy of the Cap Cana Marina served as the setting for the meeting, while from 6:00 in the afternoon until 10:00 at night the registration of participants will take place.
On the first day of hostilities (Friday), the boats will leave from 7:00 in the morning and launch lines into the water half an hour later. At 5:15 p.m. the lines will be collected, while runs will be reported from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.
For Saturday the 28th, the same schedule will run about the hours of drawing and collecting lines, but the report will be from 5:30 to 6:30 in the afternoon. Each fisherman will have 45 minutes to release a caught piece. Scores will be valued at 100 points for sailfish, 200 points for blue marlin, and 300 points for white marlin. Line rules are up to 20 pounds.
The boat with the highest score will be the winner of the contest within the Pro (Scope Radar), Semi-Pro, and Family Division categories, with prizes for the first three places.
The director of the Marina Cap Cana, Mr. Silvano Suazo, welcomed the participants.
“Our 2022 White Marlin Fishing Tournament is a tradition. We are delighted to be your hosts, especially knowing that you are here to support our marina and our Cap Cana Group celebrating 20 years. We thank the Navy of the Dominican Republic, Codopesca, as well as the yacht clubs of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo for the support they give us,” he said.