Almost 30 years ago, the world’s countries joined hands in an unprecedented effort to tackle an invisible, yet very real threat to humanity – the depletion of the ozone layer – Earth’s only shield from harmful ultraviolet rays. In 1994, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 16 September the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, commemorating the date of the signing, in 1987, of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (resolution 49/114).

The result was the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, which remains to this date the most successful UN environmental agreement in history. Ratified by 197 parties, it has led to a 98 per cent decrease in the production and use of ozone-damaging chemicals, helping the ozone layer to start recovering, saving an estimated two million people each year by 2030 from skin cancer and contributing to mitigating climate change at the same time.

Cap Cana was built with the objective of being a sustainable development. Cap Cana has always been concerned with air quality, that is why its power generation system was uniquely configured to have a minimum emission of CO2 and carbon footprint.

As we prepare to celebrate the International Ozone Day, the spirit of unity that led to its adoption and implementation once again permeates global environmental negotiations. Last year, a record number of countries signed the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change and earlier this month the world’s two largest economies – US and China – ratified it.

As the world unites to counter the changing climate, the Montreal Protocol can once again play an important part. Its 197 parties will meet in Kigali, Rwanda next month to work towards agreeing on phasing down the climate change-inducing hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).

Widely used in refrigeration and air conditioning as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances, HFCs are thousands of times stronger than carbon dioxide at causing global warming. Their phase-down under the Montreal Protocol could prevent a global temperature rise of up to 0.5°C by the end of the century, making it one of the most significant actions on climate change the world can take this year.

The success of the Montreal Protocol is the best example of what can be achieved when the world acts together. Almost three decades on, that unity of purpose can be once again harnessed to protect and restore our planet’s climate, while continuing to protect the ozone layer.


Cap Cana was built with the objective of being a sustainable development. Community planners and operators took wildlife habitat protection into account throughout the construction process and operating plan, environmental risks and liabilities were identified and reviewed as a part of overall risk management. Several green technologies were adopted since the construction phase:


Construction was restricted in areas to minimize wildlife disruption and protect important species such as the “Ighuana Ricordi”, the red neb ducks, and birds that you will enjoy seeing while driving around Cap Cana.

Marina Cap Cana is part of the Billfsihsh Foundation, billfish fishing is only “catch and realease” and part of the collected founds in fishing tournaments is donated to this foundation. Anglers are entitle to follow the marine green rules that have been made to preserve coral reefs and marine wild life.


Instead of cutting down trees that have taken decades to mature, trees are transplanted for be use as landscape in other areas. Trees that could not be saved re-emerged as items ranging from benches and trellises, posts in covered walkways, to wooden carvings in the resort.

As part of the activities promoted by Scape Park the enjoy a guided nature walk to Hoyo Azul and Iguabonita cave tourist while learning about the appreciation and conservation of natural flora and fauna.


Contractors are required to meet with the design review board and private security staff, prior to construction, for approval on the required standards.

Cap Cana has always been concerned with air quality power generation system has a minimum emission of CO2, the Wärtsilä has specifically addressed the issue of noise protection using technical means and has succeeded in lowering noise levels considerably, and however, Cap Cana is regularly monitoring noise.


Plastic bottle recycling programs are in place in Punta Espada Golf Club and Juanillo Beach Food and Drinks. Income collected through the recycle of plastic bottles is donated to Nuevo Juanillo School. As part of the social and recycling programs in place, newspapers and magazines from Cap Cana offices are donated to the artisans of this community to make beautiful and unique hand-made bags.