The Stono Swimming Academy, announced four events for this year, starting on March 11 with StonoTri Cap Cana. This event is joined by the open water swimming event the Calderas Challenge, the new StonoTri Even at Ocoa Bay and Rev3 Cap Cana.
Among the four events, Rev3 Cap Cana stands out. Stono joins Rev3 Dominican Republic to bring the master and elite athletes of the country another full quality event.
“We are going to support these 4 events within the pillars on which the swimming academy has grown: Quality, Responsibility, Vision and Athlete Satisfaction”, said Rafael Miranda, President of Stono.
Miranda stressed that a good group of athletes is expected for StonoTri Cap Cana, this coming March 11, which also marks the first triathlon event in 2018. ¨The athletes will swim in the beautiful beach of Cap Cana and will face the demanding cycling route, in Sprint and Olympic modalities.
About Rev3 Cap Cana, Jorge Matos, representative of the brand in the country commented: “This year together with Stono we bring innovative things for the athletes. In addition, the new opportunity for those who feel ready to complete the 70.3 km event (Half distance Triathlon).
The alliance between Stono and Rev3 Dominican Republic, means growth of sports like triathlon and marathons in the country. The quality and experience in the organization of Stono, together with the prestige of the Rev3 international brand, give auguries of success for the events they propose for 2018.
Registrations for StonoTri Cap Cana, are now open at the offices of Stono Paraiso. Like those of Rev3 Cap Cana, through the portal