Source: El Nuevo Diario
El Nuevo Diario libe broadcasted the second Terra Inferno Enduro Race in Cap Cana. The digital platform got more than 60 thousand live reproductions in the different networks in which it transmits.“In this competition, more than 100 pilots participated in the different categories with national and international runners who filled Juanillo’s beach in Cap Cana for the prologue and the Terra Inferno Circuit for two consecutive days,” said Keven Rodríguez, producer of the race.
It is the second time that El Nuevo Diario makes these types of transmissions, the first one was in the month of April. At the head of the successful transmission were Keven Rodríguez, who had motorcycle expert in hard enduro and representant of KTM, David Saínz as a special guest, Melisa Santos, Moisés Salce and Eugelina Galván, who represented the Telemicro Media Group.This historic transmission was achieved thanks to the production of Willy González, Héctor Romero and the technical works of Carlos Barón and the company Mission Films. With this type of live broadcasts El Nuevo Diario reaffirms that it has become one of the main digital platforms in the country, which thanks to the support of followers from any corner of the world strengthens and reproduces the chain of followers.