Fishing is a recreational activity that whole family can enjoy. However, fish populations must be preserved and the environment in which they live protected in order to ensure that future generations can also enjoy fishing. Catch and release is a method that Marina Cap Cana in conjunction with the Billfish Foundation promote to protect the environment and the fish they need in the years ahead.
What Is Catch and Release Fishing
Catch and release is a combination of techniques that create a less injurious experience for fish. This form of sustainable sport fishing allows the thrill of a big catch, while ensuring that fish can be released back into the wild to be caught again by others. The practice seeks to minimize serious injury to fish so that populations can go on to replenish the recreational waterways. It is beneficial to the fish population and helps to keep the aquatic environments in proper ecological balance.
History of Catch and Release Fishing
As more people begin to have leisure time and used this time to fish the world’s waterways, fishing for subsistence only diminished. More people fished for recreation, often not taking their catches home to eat. They returned fish to lakes and streams with serious injuries from hooks and long fights. The fish population began to fall dangerously, and conservation efforts were considered to restore their numbers. Catch and release became a simple way to enjoy fishing and yet minimize the damage to fish population, as well as preserve the environment in which they live.
Benefits of Catch and Release Fishing
Most conservationists around the world recognize the benefits of catch and release techniques to preserve fish populations and ensure a stable environment. Extensive public education efforts have helped to spread the word about the benefits and techniques.
Allowing Populations to Regenerate
By not killing or causing permanent harm to fish that are caught during angling increases the survival rate and allows the fish to reproduce, increasing fish populations. This action helps to reduce costs involved in re-stocking waterways.
Preserving the Ecological Balance
When fish are allowed the chance to survive and reproduce, it preserves the balance of the natural environment. This includes the creatures that feed on fish and the small creatures and plankton that require population control through consumption.
Techniques of Catch and Release
Experts agree that anglers can do less damage by bringing the hooked fish in quickly. Long, drawn-out fights sap the fish’s energy resources making recovery after release less likely. They also recommend using the right size tackle for the fish you intend to catch in order to prevent unnecessary injury and exhaustion. Barbless hooks are recommended to prevent severe internal injury. They also recommend knotless mesh nets or rubber nets to bring in fish. Keep the fish in the water as much as possible, and avoid touching the gills and eyes. When restoring the fish to the water, position it facing into the current to allow the flow to re-oxygenate and stabilize it before letting it go.
In order to ensure plentiful fishing endeavors, sustainable fishing practices are necessary for all anglers to enjoy the thrill of the catch.
Article repost from Nueltin