Eden Roc Cap Cana is ranked as in the Top 40 Resorts in the Caribbean by Condé Nast Traveler’s 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards
Eden Roc Cap Cana is ranked as #15 in the Top 40 Resorts in the Caribbean category (an impressive increase from #24 in last year’s list).
Eden Roc Cap Cana received an amazing score of 97.65, based on facilities, location, service, F&B and the resort value. You may view the Top 40 Resorts in the Caribbean list here, and the full 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards list online here.
The awards are also featured in the November issue which can be found in the attached .pdf of the print coverage. For reference, CNTraveler.com reaches 6.7M unique monthly visitors and Condé Nast Traveler reaches 3M print readers.

Eden Roc Cap Cana