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“If anyone were to ask me what La Palapa means for the developers of Cap Cana, I would say that it is a very special place, because this is where the dream began to take shape.

“Everything would happen there, meetings, get-togethers, business deals. . . This iconic spot in the complex was built in 2002 so that we could have a place where we could host and cater for the potential purchasers of  our first product: The Founders. These people were brought in by helicopter and given an aerial overview of the entire site where the project was going to be built. With the help of a conceptual plan, we would explain the locations where the Marina was going to be built, the location of the hotels, the golf course. and everything that was still just a dream for us developers of what would one day be known as“the great madness of a few visionaries.”

“I remember that after overflying the site and admiring the stunning scenery, the guests would end up in La Palapa. where everything was focused on pleasure. The restaurant’s  first chef Rafael “Pitirri” Herrera would be waiting for them with a BBQ brimming with fresh seafood supplied by local fishermen who had brought in the catch in their boats on the seashore. And we would raise our glasses in a toast for everything that was discussed to become a reality someday”.

“La Palapa was designed and built by architect Frank Ortega, while his wife Maribel was in charge of its decoration. I don’t even want to remember just how difficult that construction process was, because it was almost impossible to get here by land. The next one that we built, in Playa Caleton, was the Beach Club in 2005. Now a beautiful apartment complex that will be operated by Eden Roc at Cap Cana as part of it accommodations is in the finishing stages”.

How much has this emblematic place changed?

“I would say very little, but it has adjusted to the times as our community has grown: the kitchen has been expanded, the bar is bigger, it has a magnificent deck. . . and although today La Palapa is a prestigious restaurant at Eden Roc at Cap Cana. Its original essence has been fully preserved”.

Dr. Ricardo Hazoury

President of the Board of Directors of Cap Cana